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[OM] TOPE 35: entry

Subject: [OM] TOPE 35: entry
From: Andrew Fildes <afildes@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 15 Jul 2008 21:57:51 +1000
OK - here's one for dealer's choice. Reflects my interest in crap  
Andrew Fildes

Title - Smoking Girl
Camera - E-1
Lens - 25mm f2.8 plus 2x auxiliary.
Tech. 1/500s, f3.5, 200iso

This is a Holga style image made with the new 25mm D.Zuiko plus a  
Kodak Ektar cheap, plastic screw-in 2x 43mm auxiliary lens found in  
junk bin to make a really odd image. Love the detail smearing before  
you even get to dark corners! Plus it causes colour smearing and  
oversatuation. Cheaper than a Lensbaby and just as sexy. Just to make  
sure it was compromised, I shot through a grubby café window. Can't  
remember what else I did to it - perhaps a little LCE.

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