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[OM] Speaking of P&S wonder how the F30 hacked A710 comparison is going?

Subject: [OM] Speaking of P&S wonder how the F30 hacked A710 comparison is going?
From: USHER99@xxxxxxx
Date: Sun, 2 Dec 2007 18:03:44 EST
The live histogram, 35-210 zoom IS, may trump the excellent higher ISO  of 
the f30 or 31D, though clear increased latitude with RAW would be very  nice.  
don't think Moose saw much of that with the DNG conversion routine  though 
had not yet tried the Raw Therapee direct processing.  There are  other free 
converters that can read the files below.  The f30 (31D) is  quite small though.
A. When you have a RAW file from your cam, you can  
    *   convert it to the standardized DNG _digital negative_ 
(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Digital_negative)   format using the 
(http://tinyurl.com/2aq2s8)  converter.  The DNG files then can be processed 
nearly every RAW converter on the  market, including Adobe Lightroom and Apple 
Aperture (read notes on the  bottom).  
    *   convert it to the DNG format using the _DNG4PS-2_ 
(http://dng4ps2.chat.ru/index_en.html)   converter. It is newer and much more 
optimized and 
featurefull. Supports  Windows and linux. Now in early stage of development.  
    *   process the RAW files directly with appropriate converters. Right 
now,  this applies to converters which are based on David Coffin's DCRaw. Here 
are  four free examples:  
    *   _UFRaw_ (http://ufraw.sourceforge.net/)   
    *   _Raw Therapee_ (http://www.rawtherapee.com/)   
    *   _Picasa 2.7 and above_ (http://picasa.google.com/)   
    *   _Faststone Image Viewer displays  the RAW files if you want to browse 
them_ (http://faststone.org/)  A very good image  viewer/converter. It also 
has most of the usual editing tools (brightness,  constrast, gamma, hue, 
rotations, cropping, etc.). 

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  • [OM] Speaking of P&S wonder how the F30 hacked A710 comparison is going?, USHER99 <=
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