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[OM] Re: Zuiko 300mm silver nose w/metal cap?

Subject: [OM] Re: Zuiko 300mm silver nose w/metal cap?
From: hiwayman@xxxxxxx (Walt Wayman)
Date: Thu, 08 Mar 2007 07:28:57 +0000
That's the way mine is, in painted white letters.


It was on the 400/6.3 I bought from B&H, used, but not abused, nearly 25 years 
ago, but it's not a silver-nose. And almost any cap I can replace with a Tamron 
cap, I do. The Tamron caps, with the center pinch thingy, are so much more 
better. :-]


"Anything more than 500 yards from 
the car just isn't photogenic." -- 
Edward Weston

 -------------- Original message ----------------------
From: "Jeff Keller" <jeffreyrkeller@xxxxxxxxx>
> The first two I found had "Olympus   72mm    Japan" in white letters
> on the inside of the cap (early 300 & early 400). 
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