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[OM] Re: 85 mm owners: Your help needed : Serial numbers for 85mm lens a

Subject: [OM] Re: 85 mm owners: Your help needed : Serial numbers for 85mm lens an...
From: NSURIT@xxxxxxx
Date: Mon, 29 Jan 2007 10:25:50 EST
In a message dated 1/29/2007 9:17:51 A.M. Central Standard Time,  
bartjew@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx writes:

It also  has an image of a metal hood for our beloved 85/2 100/2.8.
Nice! I only  knew about the rubber hood.

I've only seen one, and I sent it to live with someone else . . .  seems like 
it might have gone to France.  Don't remember, however I think  it is on that 
side of the pond.  Bill  Barber 

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