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[OM] Re: Making photo Web sites (was Re: some summer & fall shots)

Subject: [OM] Re: Making photo Web sites (was Re: some summer & fall shots)
From: Steve Dropkin <steve@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2006 04:15:56 -0500
Stuart Robinson wrote:

> On the subject of not knowing how to make a web site, can anyone point 
> me, & perhaps others in the direction to go please? I'd just like to 
> something basic to my photo's a little text. TIA if you can.

I like the rework of the picture, BTW.

You have a few options. I have Comcast cable, and Comcast offers 
room for a personal Web site and software on-line that lets you 
create a simple site. Other ISPs may have similar software.

I actually have domains hosted somewhere besides Comcast. My host 
offers also basic site-creation software on-line. For my site a 
looooong time ago, I used Adobe's PageMill, which -- unfortunately 
-- is now defunct. So is most of the info on that site, though, so 
I've been wrestling with what to do next.

I wanted to create a "nice" site with lots of flexibility (like some 
of the members here have done). But the time it would take me to do 
that has been slipping away and my site been "dark" for too long. I 
decided to go with software which is heavily templated but lets you 
get a site up quickly.

I have a Mac, so I have several choices (unfortunately, I am not 
familiar with Windows equivalents but I have to think there are 
some). In the Mac space, there's iWeb for .mac customers (yeah, it 
can be used elsewhere, but why?), Goldfish, RapidWeaver, Site 
Studio, and my choice, Sandvox.

Sandvox is quite new, but it seems more flexible than the others and 
it's about the same price. So far I like the pages I've created on 
my hard drive. :-)  This weekend I plan to publish them. There have 
been dozens of pictures linked to on this list -- many by newcomers 
-- which I've enjoyed viewing. They make me think it's time for me 
to publish some of mine.

Good luck!

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