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[OM] Re: Missing digital ideas

Subject: [OM] Re: Missing digital ideas
From: "Jez Cunningham" <jez.cunningham@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 19 Sep 2006 09:04:23 +0200
Out of interest AG, do you print right to the edge of the paper?  And
do you sell bare prints, matted, or framed?

My wife runs a small matting/framing business and she likes to have
plenty of space (white) around the edge of the print to allow for
accurate positioning and taping to the mat.


On 9/18/06, AG Schnozz <agschnozz@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> I absolutely hate 35mm format for this very reason for the vast
> majority of my image sales.  The E-1's 4/3 ratio is MUCH more
> efficient for my purposes.

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