Also, in addition, it is a disposable camera - therefore, it doesn't
get returned and anyway, it gets destroyed in the process of removing
the film by uncaring louts where it is processed !
Jay Drew wrote:
>>Here's an interesting concept for ya:
> _W0QQitemZ7034534121QQcategoryZ14280QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmd>ZViewItem
>>No connection...tho some might wish they had a connection!
>>Adults only.
> Let's see. I get a camera that has unexposed film which may have subject
> matter that may be offensive to some. I take that disposable camera into my
> drugstore developer and have them process it. And if per chance (and I am
> not saying that the original photographer did anything illegal) something
> illegal/immoral or fattening is present, I take the fall.
> Yes, an interesting concept. In today's environment, I wouldn't touch it
> with a 10 foot pole. But then again I, like Alfred Hitchcock, have an
> aversion to the police.
> Jay
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