On Wed, Apr 05, 2006 at 09:32:25AM -0400, John Hermanson wrote:
> My emails to some other groups have a vcf card tagged on to the end of
> each message. What generates the vcf card? I use Mozilla, is that
> what's doing it? I have not been able to find an option to turn it off.
> I notice they don't show up on the Olympus list or does the listserve
> strip it out? Any insight here is appreciated.
> ___________________________________
> John Hermanson
> Camtech Photo Services, Inc.
> 21 South Lane, Huntington NY 11743
> 631-424-2121 | Olympus OM Service since 1977
> http://www.zuiko.com | omtech1 AT verizon.net
> -- No attachments (even text) are allowed --
> -- Type: text/x-vcard
> -- File: omtech1.vcf
Hi John,
here's how I see your messages, & yes, it's highly likely mozilla is
doing it, and the listserv software strips out the attachments.
to turn off the vCard, open your mailer, click (on the toolbar)
'Edit...' (and then on the dropdown menu) 'Mail & Newsgroups Account
in the window, select your mail account (omtech1 (at verizon.net), I'd
Near the bottom of the window there is a checkbox: 'Attach my vCard to
messages', uncheck this box.
'OK' out of the window, & that should be it!
I hope this helps,
Adelaide, South Australia
List usage info: http://www.zuikoholic.com
List nannies: olympusadmin@xxxxxxxxxx