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[OM] Re: Why do people insist on doing their eBay pictures while naked?

Subject: [OM] Re: Why do people insist on doing their eBay pictures while naked?
From: John Hermanson <omtech1@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 08 Mar 2006 10:04:48 -0500
That Nicca looks an awful lot like my Canon IIb which was also a copy of 
a Leica.  Am I correct?
John Hermanson
Camtech Photo Services, Inc.
21 South Lane, Huntington NY 11743
631-424-2121 | Olympus OM Service since 1977
http://www.zuiko.com  |  omtech1 AT verizon.net

ScottGee1 wrote:
> To quote Curly (of Three Stooges fame - infamy?),  "Nyah-ah-ah-ah-ah!!!"
> ScottGee1
> On 3/7/06, NSURIT@xxxxxxx <NSURIT@xxxxxxx> wrote:
>>Well, it looks that way to me.  Oh, yes, I wouldn't mind finding  either a
>>Nicca or Tower rangefinder camera at a decent price.  This one  just looks
>>slighly indecent.  Sure glad he wasn't standing up.
>>Bill Barber

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