Yesterday, I got a nice fed-ex package from the processor which
included the reprints from a senior portrait session. Everything
was shot with the E-1, 14-54 combination. During post
processing I did the usual dezitting, etc. On one photograph,
which was intended for the parents' wall, I did a photoshop
layer with a gaussian blur which was blended in with the normal
layer. The colors were just perfect and required no correction.
The end result was outstanding. We're talking portfolio stuff,
here. Now get this--In the package was a handwritten note
complementing me on the photograph. This is from a lab that
processes millions of portraits a year!
Nothing wrong with the E-1. It's the guidence system behind the
viewfinder that makes all the difference.
I suffer from "get the latestitis" like everybody else, but for
some types of work, I can't imagine it being any better. I
never produced images this good from medium-format. Never.
When you pixel-peep you see all sorts of garbage, but when
printed by a quality lab, all the garbage disappears in the
final print--no matter how large it is.
Unfortunately, it's going to be VERY hard to convince the CDFO
that I need the new E-Thingy when the results from the E-1 are
this good. Her point is a good one--I make more money from
portraits and weddings than landscapes. However, I definitely
won't run into any resistance if I try getting another E-1 for
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