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[OM] Re: Need help editing these photos

Subject: [OM] Re: Need help editing these photos
From: Gary Teller <gmteller@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 28 Dec 2005 08:37:09 -0500
I wrote

 >See the two photos of the boy with a fish at
 >I have been trying without success to remove all or most of the shadow on
 >the boy's face using what tools are available in Photoshop
 >Elements.  Either the shadow is too much for the available tools or I'm not
 >very adept at using them.  I'd vote for the latter

Moose wrote:

 >Well, there really isn't much data available in those shadows. I think
 >pic B is hopeless, with the detailless area right in the middle of his
 >face. A, on the other hand, can be improved quite a bit, at least to my

Actually, when looking at the prints under a magnifying glass there appears 
to be more detail in pic B.  Perhaps higher resolution image would have 
made this more apparent.

 >I really did very little to the shadow area. I selected it and adjusted
 >levels to get the most detail I could showing, which at least suggests
 >the facial detail. I included the dark hair too, co it has more light in
 >it. The other things I did were to add LCE, Level and Curve adjustments
 >to make the rest of the image much more contrasty/snappy. In that
 >context, the contrasty face looks much more natural, particularly with
 >the increased color/contrast detail in the rest of the face. There are
 >still some artifacts in the shadow area, although folks used to standard
 >prints probably wouldn't notice it. With a higher rez image to work
 >with, those wouldn't be a problem.

 >Here's my stab at it <http://www.moosemystic.net/Gallery/Others/Bfish.htm>.

 >How did you get the scan? It's entirely possible that there is more
 >shadow detail on the film than in the scan. Commercial scans I've gotten
 >generally clip a lot of highlight and shadow detail.

Thanks for trying, Moose.  The scans were made from a 4 x 6 inch print 
placed flat bed scanner.  Both were scanned at 600 dpi (or was it 1200?; 
can't remember) and then resized to something manageable for web 
posting.  When it comes to scanners I'm essentially illiterate.


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