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[OM] Re: Alien Bees lighting question (with Olympus equipment)

Subject: [OM] Re: Alien Bees lighting question (with Olympus equipment)
From: "Jeffrey Keller" <jrk_om@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 04 Nov 2005 09:58:36 -0800
Chuck, did you get a soft box from Alien Bees? or do you have any other 
Thank you,

>From: Chuck Norcutt <chucknorcutt@xxxxxxxxxxx>
>I own four B800's and love them.  But for the space you're working in
>you probably don't even need the amount of power put out by a B400.
>B400's produce 160 watt/seconds, B800's do 320 watt/seconds and B1600's
>do 640 watt/seconds.  For purposes of comparison a T-32 produces 100
>watt/seconds.  If you have a T-32 or two or some other form of portable
>flash you might want to try just bouncing them in the room or firing
>through some sort of diffuser panel.  Since a two T-32's or a T-45 will
>give you a bit more power than a B400 it could give you an idea of how
>much light you need.

>Any other questions about Bees ask away.  After owning these I can't
>imagine putting up with lights that need a power pack.  Even though each
>head has its own power supply the heads are very little heavier than
>most other heads that don't.
>Chuck Norcutt

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