The five boxes of OM leftover stuff have arrived from Tom Scales; thanks
Tom....I think. In general, this is what I want to do with everything.
First, nothing will be sold until all the list members have had a chance for
free. Everything is free to anyone from the list, you just have to pay
shipping and something to cover my costs, paypal fees, etc. No requests for
huge lots unless nobody wants it.
I will set up a separate email address for this operation, please don't email
me anywhere else, or my filters will likely delete your message. I won't be
using the "first email gets it", as that doesn't work fairly unless everyone
has the exact same chance. I'll likely take requests for a couple of days,
then make random decisions on who-gets-what. I also will wait a couple more
weeks to let summer (N. Hemisphere) play out.
In general, here's what is in the boxes
- A dozen or so 50/1.8's, all blacknose, a few with slow apertures
- AF lenses: 50/1.8 x 3, 35-70
- Cases for OM707
- Databack 100
- Spare OM-1/2 back
- Lots of diopter lenses for OM and other Olympus cameras
- ~20 focusing screens
- ~10 Olympus filters in boxes
- ~75 filters of varions types/brands, most 49mm and 55mm, some complicated
special effects, some new, some ugly
- Olympus front lens caps, 49 and 55
- 3 x Winder 2's, in various condition
- ~15 T-series cords of various lengths and various T-series flash connectors
- T-32 rear panel inserts and stickers for macro lenses
- ~20 hoods for the usual lenses, nothing unique like 21/3.5 or 90/2
- Small OM lens cases,
- OM everyready cases
- OM Key Chains
- 2 or 3 non-OM flashes
- Bounce Grip 2, without camera bar, only the vertical grip
- AC power for T-series flashes
- NiCad 15v charger
- OM Literature
- OM Sales Information File in the binder
- OM Lens System Handbook
- OM Books - HP and others (no hardbacks)
- 30-40 pieces of 70's-80's OM magazine ads mounted on foamcore
- 40-50 instruction books, small system handbooks, etc.
- 20-30 instruction leaflets (lenses, accessories)
I'll put together a list over the next few weeks. I want to do as few
shipments as possible.
List usage info:
List nannies: olympusadmin@xxxxxxxxxx