Here's an item from BBC World. I'm sure that it comes as no surprise to
Dixons to end 35mm camera sales
High Street retailer Dixons, which started by selling 35mm cameras, is
to stop stocking the items because of the popularity of digital cameras.
The company has said it will not be stocking any more after the current
stock of the film cameras runs out.
Marketing director Bryan Magrath said the decision was a "sentimental
"35mm cameras were the first products we ever sold and film processing
has been a part of our lives for several decades," he added.
'Right time'
Mr Magrath said digital cameras were now the rule rather than the exception.
"We have decided that the time is now right to take 35mm cameras out of
the frame."
In 1989, sales of 35mm cameras peaked at 2.9 million in the UK, but now
Dixons says it is an "increasingly niche" market.
Improved quality and lessening prices have seen digital cameras grow in
popularity and this year sales will outstrip the 35mm by 15 to 1.
However, the firm will continue to sell some 35mm cameras at its airport
branches, to cater for professional photographers looking to buy
duty-free products.
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