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[OM] Re: acratech ballhead

Subject: [OM] Re: acratech ballhead
From: "R. Jackson" <jackson.robert.r@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sat, 23 Jul 2005 19:45:02 -0700
Nah, I always opt for expensive, heavy and impossible to repair. ;-)

Here's what I'm using for motion picture photography right now.  
Excellent tripod, but it breaks down into three giant metal cans with  
leather straps to hold the lids on and with an overall shipping  
weight of about 90 pounds. Not to mention that the spreader has to  
come off before the tripod can go in the can so getting it out means  
avoiding the (nearly lethal) spikes on the feet. It's a test of  
courage. ;-)


On Jul 23, 2005, at 7:37 PM, Walter Tani wrote:

> Cheaper, stronger, lighter, same quality or better.  What else  
> could you ask for?

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