In a previous note I said that proponents of the thimerosol/autism
connection must be able to explain the 4:1 propensity of autism to
affect male children. I have since found that there is research that
implicates testosterone as aggravating the toxic effect of thimerosol on
neurons whereas estrogen is protective. The research is referenced
here: <>
Haley and Lovell have evaluated the synergistic toxicities of
thimerosal, aluminum hydroxide, neomycin, testosterone, and estrogen in
a neuron system. They demonstrated that at 24 hours applications
resulted in the following approximate percentages of neurons surviving:
40% (50 nM thimerosal solution), 80% (1.75 ug neomycin/mL solution), 90%
(500 nM aluminum hydroxide), and 95% (control). They then combined the
applications and demonstrated that at 24 hours applications resulted in
the following approximate neurons surviving: 10% (50 nM thimerosal and
500 nM aluminum hydroxide solution), 10% (50 nM thimerosal and 1.75 g
Neomycin/mL), and 0% (50 nM thimerosal, 500 nM aluminum hydroxide, and
1.75 g Neomycin/mL solution). Haley and Lovell observed that when
testosterone was added with thimerosal to their neuron system, it
considerably enhanced the toxic effects of thimerosal resulting
in 0% neuronal survival within minutes following application of the
solution, whereas when estrogen was added with thimerosal in their
neuron system, it considerably reduced the toxic effects of thimerosal
resulting in greater neuron survival for longer periods following the
application of the solution.
At the same time I have also encountered unreferenced statements in an
AP article that, although thimerosol was removed from vaccines used in
England earlier than in the US, autism rates continue to increase.
However, I haven't been able to find the research on this point yet.
Chuck Norcutt
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