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[OM] Re: It's like an E-1 Christmas!

Subject: [OM] Re: It's like an E-1 Christmas!
From: "Barry B. Bean" <bbbean@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 09 Jun 2005 21:27:42 -0500
On Thu, 9 Jun 2005 15:18:55 -0700 (PDT), AG Schnozz wrote:

>Walt (ducking flying skillets) wrote:
>> 1. The viewfinder ain't THAT bad.  After hearing some of the
>> gripes, I expected much worse and am pleasantly surprised.

>It's actually quite nice if you wear glasses. I hate to say it,
>but it's growing on me.

I agree. After years of taking my glasses off to shoot, I can comfortably shoot 
with glasses on with the E-1

>> 2. Attaching the strap is a PITA.  Now I've decided already
>> I'm swaping it out for a Tamrac with the QA hickies.

>For some reason my bouncy Tamrac QA hickied straps don't do
>quite as well on the A1 or the E-1 because of the lug locations.
>I'm thinking a Leica strap might be in order.

I have a Tamrac QR strap that's great with my E-1. Its comparable to my 
favorite Domke without the metal connectors.

Barry B. Bean
Bean & Bean Cotton Company
Peach Orchard, MO

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