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[OM] Re: sign of the times

Subject: [OM] Re: sign of the times
From: Earl Dunbar <edunbar@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 07 Jun 2005 20:57:48 -0400
So......... they can meet their revenue/profit goals without "cheaper 
labour" elsewhere?  Hmmmm.


Chris Barker wrote:

>I think that you'll find that's because they can cut the jobs quickly  
>in China, whereas Japan perhaps requires longer notice.  It is pretty  
>bad for the Chinese I should guess.  They're probably not allowed  
>unions either.
>~~ >-)-
>C M I Barker
>Cambridgeshire, Great Britain.
>+44 (0)7092 251126
>On 7 Jun 2005, at 12:01, Earl Dunbar wrote:
>>Interesting that the job cuts are mostly in China, and that production
>>is being consolidated in Japan.
>>GeeBee wrote:

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