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[OM] Re: what's a fang?

Subject: [OM] Re: what's a fang?
From: Andrew Fildes <afildes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 18 Apr 2005 17:56:59 +1000
And why can't you use 'to hoon' like the rest of Australia then?

On 18/04/2005, at 1:54 PM, Toona wrote:

> This is because when I was growing up to 'fang' was to race about, eg 
> on
> bikes, in cars etc. Example: 'to fang it' meant to put one's foot down 
> and
> accelerate strongly. I might still use the phrase!
> I had thought that the new use of fang was part of the 'globalisation' 
> of
> the English language (yes, this is a euphemism) and YET another bit of 
> the
> (formerly) creative Australian idiomatic language going.

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