Going from memory I didn't recall that the bellows lens mount had any more
resistance than the camera. I just now went and checked it and found it does
have enough more resistance that it is easily noticed when compared side by
side with a camera. I also checked my telescoping extension tube and found
it had about the same resistance as the bellows but it was less noticeable
because the lens is easier to grab. Looking at the bellows lens mount it
appears that there are springs on the side opposite the lens which push
against the "ears" of the lens bayonet, pulling the lens up against the
front surface of the mount. I suspect since the bellows gets much less use
than a camera, the springs are stiffer. I didn't find my bellows hard to
mount a lens to, but it does have more resistance than my camera. I tried to
look at the surface of the three flat springs to see if I could tell where
they rubbed against the lens ears but couldn't see them well enough to
determine anything. If the surface of the lens side of the mount or the
surfaces of the springs were rough, it might be pretty hard to turn the
The rail of my bellows has no lubricants, and has a slightly rough finish
from the machining. The gearing itself is fairly stiff. With the lock screws
loose it moves smoothly but takes effort to turn the knobs. It looks like
the surface of the bellows' rail is rough enough that it could wear down the
nylon guides but it would take a lot of use to do that. Other than the nylon
just wearing away, I can't see anything that would cause it to slip.
Good luck getting to the bottom of it,
----- Original Message -----
From: "Glenn Stauffer" <alaxsxaq@xxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [OM] Re: Auto Bellows question
> I checked the clamp and it looks fine - the plastic shows what might
> be some cracking from flexing, but the cracks don't appear to go all
> the way through. The thumb screw pushes against a metal plate, so
> there isn't a hole there. Maybe I just didn't have it tight enough.
> In your experience, should the lens be as easy to mount onto the
> bellows as onto the camera itself? The mount on the bellows is
> definitely tighter than the camera mount. I can't see any reason why.
> Everything appears normal, though there are wear marks around the
> outside edge in a few spots that makes me think something isn't right
> with this one.
> The person who sold this to me guaranteed it. I might have to test
> the guarantee and return it for a refund.
> Glenn
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