Most likely the email you received is not from the seller. I fairly often
receive offers claiming to be from the seller of some item I bid on. An
almost certain give away is if they want the money sent to an address
different from the yaBe registered address. I frequently forward the offer
to spoof@xxxxxxxx and also try to contact the original seller.
In at least one case the real seller 'sort' of made a "second chance offer"
but whether knowingly or not the offer didn't go through yaBe. The seller
happened to be a camera store that I could check the phone number of. Since
I wanted the item, I bought it from him. He asked me to leave feedback but
of course I couldn't since the offer didn't really go through yaBe. I don't
think I've ever received a low price offer from the real seller. When the
real seller makes a "second chance offer" it is because he's expecting to
get nearly as much, or just as much as his original offer.
Best wishes,
----- Original Message -----
From: "JOHN DUGGAN" <john.duggan10@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [OM] E-BAY scam?
> Out of the blue I get an E-Mail purporting to be from
> the seller saying that buyer cannot complete so he is
> offering the camera to me for £400.via the e-bay
> second chance scheme.
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