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[OM] Re: Interview with Olympus R&D managers

Subject: [OM] Re: Interview with Olympus R&D managers
From: Skip Williams <om2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2004 17:27:50 -0400
I'd be very, very, very surprised to see the Foveon sensor appear in an Olympus 
product.  More likely it will be the new Kodak sensor from the E300 in the E-3, 
but with pro-spec features like 5-8 fps and faster AF.  

But perhaps we will all be surprised to see a 10MP E-3?  :-o  The problem is 
that the sensor will need to address continuing issues to gain improved 
performance at that pixel size.  If you use the D2X's pixel size, which is 
pretty close to the best performing system on the market with it's 
muli-pipelined processing, you get a 7MP sensor at the 4/3 size.  Clearly that 
is below the the E300's 8.9MP full-res size, so they've given up something to 
get the E300's pixel count up.

OTOH, the technolgy marches on, continuing to improve things at smaller sizes.  
The EE's constantly come up with ways to shrink sizes and improve performance.  
At the SOTA in consumer devices, that usually involves smarter processing or 
multi-threading, rather than brute force.   

At least the article had a hint that Olympus is working on an IS system.  They 
also hinted that it would first appear in a lens, which I think is a mistake, 
given the huge leap that C/N has and the first-mover advantage given to K-M.  
But who am I to know what's feasible?  I'm just glad to see that they are 
moving new models forward.


----- Original Message ---------------

Subject: [OM] Re: Interview with Olympus R&D managers
   From: Dorothée Rapp <om@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
   Date: Tue, 12 Oct 2004 23:01:57 +0200
     To: olympus@xxxxxxxxxx
>Yes. And the two - let's say - *slow zooms are aimed at E300 users.
>We're speculating here if the E-3 could have a Foveon Sensor, since 
>technically it's possible - depending on how stable this technology will 
>become. I have no idea how much that would influence the lenses though.
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>List nannies:        olympusadmin@xxxxxxxxxx

List usage info:     http://www.zuikoholic.com
List nannies:        olympusadmin@xxxxxxxxxx

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