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[OM] Re: Using OM to achieve filmlook on video

Subject: [OM] Re: Using OM to achieve filmlook on video
From: David Cochran <cochran@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 09 May 2004 19:17:46 +0000
Hi Cris:

I once saw a Steadicam operator with an invention as you would have it but
it had an adapter for PL mount lenses. He had one of the small square DV
cameras attached to it. If I am not mistaken he had a director's viewfinder
(the one you put PL lenses on it) with an adapter to put the camera behind
it but he did not mind having stuff from the viewfinder's prism in the
image. It was to be used as a tool for setting up and showing the director
what he was doing without having to put the whole 35mm gear on.

So I hope you find your clear focusing screen.



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