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[OM] Re: [OT] Epson printer

Subject: [OM] Re: [OT] Epson printer
From: Tris Schuler <tristanjohn@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Fri, 12 Mar 2004 13:06:34 -0800

At 03:23 PM 3/12/2004 -0500, you wrote:
>I know asking questions about an Epson printer is definitely off topic...

That is _not_ an example of an off-topic query. SUVs, stereo gear, guns, 
etc. qualify, but printers do not, or for that matter anything related to 
photography in general. I can't speak for Thomas, who (very ably) 
administers this list, but I think common sense (and history bears this 
out) would indicate that a list of this nature will, by both definition and 
common interest of its membership devote itself primarily to talk re the 
greater OM camera system, but as a practical matter all sorts of stuff is 
going to crop up which touches on the rather broader topic of photography 
in general and this material is, as rule, interesting, informative and more 
or less pertinent. Questions about printers is the perfect example. For 
example, going a year ago I queried this list for opinions of printers and 
based on almost immediate feedback from a couple of list members whose 
opinions I value I bought, within the week, an Epson 2200 . . . and 
couldn't happier that I did so.

Anyway, lists of this nature, if properly looked after (and this one has 
been since I joined back in the spring of 2001) tend to drift "off" topic 
and "off topic" and OFF TOPIC! just as a natural course of things, and far 
from threatening the life of the list these back sloughs of meandering 
(sometimes) thoughts only add (for my taste) to the camaraderie (and 
romance, if I may be that poetic--sappy? <g>) of this space and place on 
the Internet.

So relax and ask any questions that pop into your head. (And keep your 
sense of humor--I think some of these guys should have been cabbies!)

>for this list but I'm at my wit's end here.  I have an Epson C80 that is a 
>over a  year old but for the last couple of months, has been nothing but a
>pain in the behind.  For about the first 10 months it worked fine but then
>started to exhibit "banding" in the printed text and images.  The ink
>cartridges were all getting low so I thought maybe the ink was getting old so
>I replaced all the cartridges thinking this would solve the problem.  I spent
>the next few months constantly "cleaning" print heads and I swear I was
>fortunate if I got twenty printed pages out of the ink cartridges before they
>emptied.  I would clean the print heads 4 to 5 times before I could get rid
>of the banding only to have to repeat the same procedure the next morning
>after shutting down the printer for the evening.
>I contacted Epson and they suggested I send the printer in for service.  That
>does not make any financial sense to me since for the cost of service I could
>probably buy a newer and better printer.  Heck, I bet for the price of a set
>of Epson C80 cartridges, $78, I could come close to getting a newer and
>better printer at this point.
>Anyhow, does anyone out there know if there is something I can do myself to
>solve the clogged printer head problem?  At this point, if I accidently
>destroy something in the process, I don't think it will matter much.
>Actually, dropping the unit from my second story window and watching it
>shatter in a few pieces after hitting the ground might be a better idea and
>possibly more satisfying. :)

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