Both my wife and I receive similar queries, and my mailbox has been
inundated with this stuff for some time, though it seems to have increased
just the past several weeks. My first line of defense is the spam catcher
provided by Earthlink. I've tried to alert those good people as to what's
going on, one of these messages purporting to be from Earthlink support
itself! but apparently without sparking the least interest (to judge by the
feedback, zero, I've received from Earthlink).
Go figure. I wonder how much Mr. and Mrs. Smith lose annually to these
schemes. I also wonder what exactly is going on "out there' these days, why
"no one" seems to care very much one way or the other, and what this
portends for tomorrow.
An ill wind blows and all that.
At 07:42 AM 2/26/2004 -0500, you wrote:
>I usually don't get these for some reason, but there was one in my mailbox
>this morning. It has got to be the best fake mesaage yet. The style,
>color, and
>font look like a real Paypal message. It is quite bold, it asks me to verify
>who I am by asking me to supply credit card info, social security number (!)
>and a PIN number that I use with the credit card when accessing an ATM !!!!
>I forwarded it to PayPal security.
>Everyone stay alert out there.
>George s.
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