I haven't kept up that last year, but up 'till then, Canon had serious
problems with fading and color shifts. (Lurid headline on cheap news
print, "Good Prints That Went Bad!".) Dry Creek's tests are a year old
and may be dated now if Canon has changed their inks, but were quite
informative <http://www.drycreekphoto.com/PrintTest/PrintTest.htm> .
There is a lot of good info about longevity, but no firm conclusions, in
Mastering Digital Printing by Harald Johnson, which is a wonderful
resource in general. There are lots of tests/reviews around, do some
I'm quite pleased with my Epson 1270. It's old technology by now but,
oddly enough, still makes great prints.
rhawkin3@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
>I'm looking for advice on Canon and Epson printers, need the pros and cons.
>any opinions or recommendations?
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