Hi mark:
> Nonesense, that presumes that everyone can afford a digital camera and
> all the accessories that need to go with it (batteries, storage cards, etc).
> The number of sales of disposable cameras alone is a testament to that and
> will be enough to justify the existence of 35mm film for a very long time.
> Commercially you're probably correct, but at the consumer level I don't see
> film disappearing in the next few decades.
> -mark
I think that film has quite a few years of life. In the average consumer
world the folks that buy cameras for taking their children or their latest
Disney trip, digital cameras are already surpsisingly cheap. A camera and a
4X5 printer that prints straight from the camera will not set you back more
than $400. The camera being probably $179 -$200.
The paper, 50 sheets go for about $10. In my book it is cheaper than 1hour
photo labs.
Now, an OM system with good profesional films may still be cheaper but the
drawback of digital change for me is the slow disapearance of profesional
"local" labs that will keep "the film quality" within profesional standards.
I think that in Pro levels of photography both, digital and traditional
photography are equal as we speak.
my 1¢
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