I'll use Moose's entry here to insert my own history... my first 'real'
camera was a Kodak Brownie Starmite. I got it for Christmas, 1964 I think,
in the yellow Kodak "Open Me First" box... 127 film and AG-1B flash
Then about 1969 I got my Mom's old Argus C-3 with flash, when I was about 13
and really starting to get interested in photography. In high school I used
my Dad's Minolta SRT-101, with a couple lenses, I was the yearbook
photography editor.
When I started taking photo classes at the community college I found and
bought a nice Leica IIIg outfit. After using it for a couple semesters I
realized that 1) it was too nice to be so abused, and 2) I wanted a built-in
meter and a more contemporary camera. I couldn't afford the Nikon F which
all the 'serious' photography students used... and I didn't like the
handling of them much anyway. Handling the OM-1 in a store just felt
So I ordered an OM-1, with 24/2.8, 50/1.4, and 75-150/4.0 lens from a large
New York mail-order outfit, it was about $660 in 1976. Note that this was
about a month's take-home pay for me at that time...! A few months after
that I bought a Winder-1, and then about 1981 I bought an OM-2n body. I
still have all that equipment, along with, er, aa-eh, aherm, a bit more...
Perhaps one problem for Olympus is that's the only high-value Olympus
equipment I ever purchased new at retail...
Jim Brokaw
OM-'s of all sorts, and no OM-oney...
on 2/20/04 5:14 PM, Moose at olymoose@xxxxxxxxxxxx wrote:
> Well, as someone else mentioned, they didn't have OMs when I was a tyke.
> My first camera was a Kodak Brownie twin lens box at about age 5.
> Moose
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