Looking through the F280 schematics and service manual, the threshold for Flash
ready detection is
set at an energy level of 79% of full charged energy level. Giving an effective
GN of ~89% of
fully charged.
The voltage step-up invertor has a proper feedback loop controlling the output
voltage which
should help speed up charging to fully charged voltage. (T32/20 use blocking
osc self regulation,
which is not so fast to charge, or so consistent).
The flash capacitor output voltage is only 265V, much lower than the almost
universal 330V used in
portable flash units. This is probably related to operating the tube in super
FP mode where it
needs to be retriggered reliably. This is an interesting choice, since normally
it becomes tougher
to trigger at low tube voltages and probably means the flash tube is running
with an unusal fill
pressure or gas mix to allow fast triggering.
Tim Hughes
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