You may be clumsy because when you were young a teacher tried to force you
to become right handed when you were naturally left handed. A number of
adverse reactions to that forced change have been reported.
Studies suggest you would have an advantage at batting in baseball. Those
who have the dominant side consistant are at a disadvantage because the
strength is on the back leg, back arm which is good, but the back eye can't
find and track the ball as soon.
In golf, a person who is naturally left handed but plays right handed seems
to also have an advantage because the dominant hand is in a better position
to not overpower the swing.
In terms of intelligence, a person with mixed dominance tends to utilize
the brain more completely, but may also have problems with dyslexia or in
typing (where the brain can't decide which finger to depress for an L for
There are probably other examples where mixed dominance are also and
advantage. It is a very fasinating area that is really getting some
attention in educational circles in the US right now. Check out a
methodology called 4MAT that had it's start in about 1979, when a teacher
in Chicago discovered that experts in a number of disciplines were studying
the brain using traditional means as well as the new technology of CAT
scans etc. All seemed to be describing about the same thing in terms of
the way the brain functioned, but in different ways and words.
I would expect a higher than normal amount of left dominant individuals on
this list, as it is the right and back side of the brain that predominantly
is involved in visual activities such as photography. But because this is
also such a verbal group :-) I would also expect that this group would
have an above average number of balanced or mixed dominant individuals.
>Apparently I'm right-handed and left-eyed .... interesting combination !
>First I knew of it was when a friend asked me why I put the camera to my
>Left eye and not my right. I'd been doing it for years, without noticing.
>Just seemed natural.
>And that combination supposedly makes me clumsy and lacking in hand-eye
>co-ordination. I just thought I was awful at football, but it seems there
>is actually a reason !!
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