I concur with Tris. I discovered comfortable summers in Texas (with A/C -- of
course there is always Napa Valley, CA). 100-degree heatwaves are going to be
common in France though (global warming-consistent, alas). Add a strike or two
and you may have a real hassle.
But on late afternoon in balmy weather on the banks of the Seine, it's sheer
magic whether in French, English, Russian, or ancient Gaulois. Always mention
the fact you that don't speak French in French as a courteous opener (when in
Rome...). My American wife, who spoke the ritual French phrase before switching
to English with whoever could follow, got along very well for nearly two years
and was very popular.
On 02/07/2004, Listar <listar@xxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>About August in Paris: don't! It's hot and humid that time of year,
>positively the worst weather I've ever experienced in Europe. A good half
>of the shops are literally boarded up as anyone who can get out of town has
>down so--and big surprise!
>Otherwise it's a great place to be. So much beauty, and what an interesting
>culture at its core. Need to speak some French, though, to get along.
>Hardly anyone speaks English--or for that matter wants to, it seems.
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