There was a reasonable upgrade from LE, but it expired ages ago. I
think it might have been $99. That took me to PS6, then another $150??
to PS7 and maybe another $160 to CS if I bite. For the lsast upgrade,
they sent me an offer with a freebie, but I haven't received anything
about CS yet. They time the expirations of PS so you can't ever skip a
version without paying full price. I was able to wait them out and skip
a version on the LE to full PS upgrade because thay had a long
expiration time on the LE packaged with a lot of scanners and printers.
omtech@xxxxxxxxx wrote:
>I believe that upgrade price is only good if you're upgrading from a
>previous full version of PS. I spoke with an Adobe rep at PhotoPlus and she
>said there is an upgrade for LE and Elements, but it is not available in
>stores and is available only at the Adobe website (for about $500).
>John Hermanson
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