I looked at the E-1 again at B&H last week and continue to be excited about it.
Not so excited that I have to go to the cleaners, but still happy. :-)
It's just a very, very nice camera. If the lens selection continues to
improve, I continue to think that they've got a success on their hands...and
one in my bag.
Any of my photo-gear buddies that I tell about this E-1-infatuation think that
I'm absolutely nuts. They warn me of the impending takover of the DSLR world
by Canon and the unstoppable Nikon juggernaut. Why in the world would I even
consider buying a camera from an alsos-ran maker like Olympus when the DSLR
world is already sewn up by C/N? They don't have IS! It's only a 5MgPx
camera! The 4/3 will never get to full-frame! The lenses are expensive!
blah, blah, blah.
Why do I continue to like the E-1? I guess it's the same, buck-the-trend
attitude that I had back in 1976 when I bought my first OM-1 in deference to
all the guys who had Nikkormats or F2's. I must be nuts buying one of those
little cameras, they'll never last....Get a REAL MAN'S camera like this
Nikkormat. See, I can hammer in a nail with one end, and then take a picture 2
seconds later. Can your little OM thingee do that? I've had OM's ever since.
I guess I'm also the kind of guy who values the feel and handling of a camera
as a paramount criteria, as long as image quality and specs are competitive.
It's why I use Leicas....not for the lenses, god forbid; I can't afford many of
them. I use Leicas for the handling and the way that it helps me get pictures
that I wouldn't otherwise get. I'm hoping that the E-1 will do the same thing
for me.
.......Geez, I just feel like I went to some kind of group therapy session and
ended up taking all my clothes off, standing up on a soap box, and screaming my
sins to the group..... :-o
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