> Andrew L Wendelborn <andrew@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> PS bought the magazine mostly for an article on Lake Mungo which we
> hope
> to visit over Easter
I'd be very interested in your comments on Mungo, so you need to give
the list a
full trip report. I'm thinking of visiting there in june/july.
Wayne Harridge
Hi Wayne
Mungo is great. If you can go on the road from Mildura you will see
"the " abandoned car which has been the subject of many photos. The
first time I went we went that way. The second time we came down from
Broken Hill allong the Ana Darling? Also there were some really big
spiders ar Zanchi Station in the bushes near an old shed - not the
shearing shed.
Its good to see the Perry Sand dunes also.
Peter Davies - in from the digest cold!
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