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Re: [OM] ( OM ) film usage.

Subject: Re: [OM] ( OM ) film usage.
From: NSURIT@xxxxxxx
Date: Wed, 31 Dec 2003 08:40:59 EST
To put things into some perspective and one that may or may not be easy for 
us to see the correlation with what we as individuals do in the arena of film 
usage, National Geographic will shoot 400 rolls of film to produce the 15 or 20 
images for one of their articles.  Don't know if that helps this conversation 
or not.  Dewitt Jones, well known photographer and writer, says the question 
he is often asked by amateur photographers is the number of good shots he gets 
from a roll of 36.  His comment is that this is the wrong question. It should 
be, in his opinion, "Did you get what you needed?"  Perhaps if we asked 
ourselves the same question, the one about film usage would disappear.  Early 
on in 
my dance with photography, someone told me "film is cheap" and that has stuck 
with me through the years.  This year, regardless of how I may view the price 
of film, I hope to see my acquisition and use of film shift from being viewed 
as an expense to being view as an investment.  Bill Barber
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