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Re: [OM] Peacock OMs?

Subject: Re: [OM] Peacock OMs?
From: "John W. Sloane, DMD" <bimmerdoc325ci@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 16 Dec 2003 21:58:21 -0500
Yep, it's me =}  I have a big OM collection, and have decided to sell a
little more than half (more like 2/3) to support a recently aquired
additction to Lei*a and Voi*tl*nder.  I actually have a Sea Green 3Ti and
Sea Green Om_2N Black!  Morgan's stuff is truly awesome!  I'm also having to
derive a little cash out of this whole thing because at the ripe age of 51,
I have been informed by 4 physicians that due to a minimum of 3 herniated
disks, with arthritic degeneration, spinal stenosis, Neural impingement and
damage to exiting nerves (my right leg either hurts like heck, or it is
numb), I have reached the end of my career as a dentist.  No surgery is
possible, so it's sit back, relax, collect disability, find an associate to
take over my practice, etc....So until all that actually kicks in, and I can
bolster my income, I need a little financial cushion, (and a Le*ca MP).
Sorry about not offering on list first, but I am hoping to get, as you
noted, a good buck for this stuff.  It's great stuff, as those who know me
can attest to my honesty of description and qualityof gear.  Some of you
newer folks have never heard of me, as I tend to lurk a lot, but other
seasoned veterans will remember me.  I used to be jsloane@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
(and a dentist!).  a PayPal Fraud to the tune or $4500 off my hide prompted
me to change email address, eb*y handle, etc.  That's all straightened out
monitarily, but PayPal has been VERRRY slow out of the gate to remove the
freeze from my account, so therefore, no paypal on the auctions.  On top of
that, my father-in law moved in last month.  MERRY CHRISTMAS, TINY TIM!
If anyone is interrested in asking about the equipment, you can just email
me privately a drjohnsloane@xxxxxxxxxxxxx.
Thanks for noticing my stuff!
John W. Sloane, DMD


From: owner-olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]
On Behalf Of NSURIT@xxxxxxx
Sent: Tuesday, December 16, 2003 9:24 PM
To: olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [OM] Peacock OMs?

OK, is it one of us?  Who has the multi-colored OM collection on the auction
block.  Some pretty cool looking rigs, mated with some real nice Zuiko
glass.  Priced a little on the high side, but what the heck.  If it works
for this person,  I may have to order a case of Morgan Sparks leathers and
offer up the Peacock 2 collection. Hmmm, they would all be black bodies, so
maybe Green OM 3 with 40mm f2, B&W OM 2S with 16mm f3.5, Red OM 2n with 18mm
f3.5, Tan OM 4 Ti with 90mm f2.  I guess the choices are without limits.
Hey, I'm just having some fun. These OMs are pretty neat to look at and
worth the visit to ebay.  Wonder if Morgan could make me some green lizard
bellows?  {8^))  Bill Barber 
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