Here's a question for the technical types on the list.
After setting a shutter speed and aperture, whether through auto, spot metering
or manual mode, the camera should fire accordingly.
When the camera is set to fire on the self timer, and the shutter / aperture
are set as above, is there anything on board the camera that could serve to
lengthen the shutter speed or enlarge the aperture?
With my OM4T recently returned from a CLA by the Olympus agents in Ontario I
have now discovered any blip. When shooting the fall colours on slide film my
hand held exposures are virtually perfect. When relying on a tripod and the
self timer, my exposures are uniformly too light by about 3/4 of a stop
regardless of shutter speed and aperture chosen. The only variable to explain
this looks to be the use of the self timer.
John Hudson