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Re: [OM] Re: digital image [was New E-1]

Subject: Re: [OM] Re: digital image [was New E-1]
From: W Shumaker <om4t@xxxxxxxx>
Date: Mon, 22 Sep 2003 08:11:15 -0400
I thought they could now put hair and facial imperfections into computer
generated images? I guess the digital cameras are lagging behind...
I'm waiting for the digital camera with photoshop built right in. Sometimes
you need to change the expression, why waste time posing people, we'll
just blast off 100 shots and the camera software will pick the best one.
It will be just like a video camera with matrix evaluation of each shot, saving
only the best ones. All you do is tell it how many good shots you want
and push the button. It will have 100,000 stored and rated compositions
to compare against, you can add pose or mode compensation. All the
great master's works will be stored with special morphing functions to bend
the scene to look the way you want. 1000's of selectable background props,
just look at what photographers can save on equipment and location costs.
We won't even have to travel to exotic places, saving money, fuel. And 
most important, we can have our own secret password to adjust the 
'style' parameter so our work will stand out, with custom weighting factors
on the good pose selection function.


At 11:12 PM 9/21/2003, you wrote:
>Talking about noise, I found that in this one or two years on most of the ads 
>(both hard prints and TV) on women cosmetics, most of them looks nothing close 
>to "real". You cannot see any skin imperfection and there are no hairs on the 
>face. They look absolutely no life to me, just like a computer generated face, 
>they are really terrible! I believe they have went through some software noise 
>reduction (or skin perfection) softwares. 
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