I'll try and find out with those who import Sunpak if it has super FP
functions with the OM 4 T.
Thanks for the info.
-----Oprindelig meddelelse-----
Fra: owner-olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx [mailto:owner-olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx]På;
vegne af GPaul64@xxxxxxx
Sendt: 5. september 2003 20:50
Til: olympus@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Emne: Re: [OM] F280 flash
In a message dated 9/3/2003 4:40:28 PM Eastern Daylight Time,
lars.bundesen@xxxxxxxxxx writes:
Hi everybody
I think I asked this question a couple of years ago, but I hope there
have been some development in the meantime:
Is there any other flash that gives super FP flash capability with the
OM 4
T, or are we stuck with the turkey F280?
Sorry, if this has been covered recently - I haven't watched the list
closely fdor some time.
Regards, Lars
I recall hearing some time ago from an Oly rep that the Sunpak 120J
TL - the barebulb/reflector model - could replicate the F280s high-speed
sync capability with the appropriate dedicated module. I'm not 100 percent
certain, though.... Anyone know for certain?
Greg Logiodice