Some will recall a thread about my participation in a local photography club
(Houston Photographic Society) and my desire to have enough of my prints win
ribbons this year (5 required) to move from the B category of competition to
the A category. Over the past 3 months, I have accomplished that goal. Each
month our newsletter editor selects one of the members (we have about 85
members) to have their work showcased in a two page spread. I was so honored
month and have a nice write up (should be, as I wrote it) and nine of my images
included in our 11 page newsletter. The newsletter is not posted to the
Internet, however if anyone would have an interest in seeing a very nice photo
newsletter, that includes "The Images of Bill Barber", I can forward it to
you if you will contact me off list. All the images were produced with Olympus
OM equipment and only one has appeared in the TOPE. The newsletter includes a
wide range information and would be worth a look without the OM content. If
interested send me an email with subject matter of "Send Newsletter". It is a
fairly large file. Bill Barber