anyone notice this 35-70/3.5-4.5 on e*ay (item 2942363982)?I purchased and
returned this package on a previous auction. There are some fine pinpoint spots
on the rear element of the lens (coating defects?) and one of the tabs of the
auto tube that transfer settings from the lens to the body is broken off. The
zoom adapter looks OK, as far as I was able to tell.
----- Original Message -----
From: Dylan Sutton
To: Olympus (E-mail)
Sent: Tuesday, July 29, 2003 11:32 PM
Subject: [OM] anyone notice this 35-70/3.5-4.5 on e*ay (item 2942363982)?
This lens appears to come with a 7mm Olympus extension tube as well as the
T-flash telephoto adapter mentioned in the description.
No connection etc.