Last month, I had posted a bit about belonging to local (Houston, TX)
photography club which has a monthly competition and that my goal for this year
to place at least 5 prints in these competitions. This would allow me to move
from the "B" category to the "A" category. The move really doesn't mean a
great deal other than I have been a player and produced work that was good
to place 1st, 2n or 3rd in the monthly contest. Last month I placed two
prints (a 2n & a 3rd) and at tonight's meeting I again placed two prints (2
second place ). The contest have been valuable because they keep me engaged in
producing new work and the critiques by outside judges are helpful as I expand
photography. An added benefit is all the prints which place throughout the
year are put in an exhibit at the Houston Public Library in January. Guess
that is all the horn tooting I'll do tonight. Bill Barber