Just once today, during 4 rolls of film, my meter went to "Over-exposure" on
"auto" setting, in gray/overcast conditions, shooting away from the sun
(wherever the hell it was) at about f/8-11 and 1/60 or 1/125th. Usually there
some dif. between auto and manual, but not that much. Switched to
mode and it showed exposure was correct. Back to "auto" still showed "over"
no matter where I pointed it. I rotated the ASA dial back & forth just once.
Problem cured. For now.
And the batteries could be getting near the end of their life, as well - been
using the same batteries for months, and last night left them in and the
shutter speed at 1/125th, not on red B/60, tsk, tsk - which reminds me... oops,
just did it again.
I carry TWO sets of spares, in case one or both of a new set is funky from
the get-go (as recently happened to bro-in-law), or I manage to do something
truly dumb (always a possibility).