Hope that possibility works out (the URM job).
A couple more thoughts: a LOT of unemployed workers (Boeing, dot-commers,
others) are returning to school now to gain more/new skills. I'm skeptical
of them will find new opportunities that will really make their efforts &
expense pay off, because of the flat economy. Classes are JAM full wherever
There are few jobs waiting for high school & college grads. This is a tough
But, your financial situation would qualify you for a Pell Grant, etc., along
with work-study, if you really want to go that route.
Is getting an MBA a real life goal or does it just sound more appealing to go
to school than to hit the pavement? I would LOVE to go back to school for
several subjects, but reality tells me I can't afford it. Bills, child
Ask your last employer (or anybody you can think of) if he would be willing
to provide a referral/reference. You need 3 at a minimum.
Can you get to the nearest Worksource office? Walk/hitchhike? Ask to see a
counselor, and tell them you NEED a job, now. Take anything to get some
gas/food/walk around money. Worked for me when I finished at U.W. and Elaine
off. I had a job within a couple days with State Farm, who was looking for
liberal arts grads who could do customer relations work. They finally realized
that working with the public was more important than body/fender knowledge.
Resume: lots of books in the library. Look up "functional resumes"...
that's what you need. Emphasizing skills, abilities, duties, responsibilities
held, vs. the chronological listing of jobs.