Chris wrote:
>if you see an Irish frame drum ("bodhran") being played in a band do tell me
Just saw one played by a bagpiper at the Folklife Festival in Seattle. I
couldn't actually hear it due to the other piper he was accompanying (highland
pipes are LOUD!) and all the other music going on around us. He seemed to be
playing it very softly... more so than usual.
The group "The Wicked Tinkers," who will be appearing in Bellingham
Saturday, use one. I haven't spent the time to actually catch more than just a
moments of their act, because I focus strictly on the pipers & pipe bands
Well, here ya go. The picture tells the story:
<A HREF=""></A>
Interesting drum page:
There are always Irish vendor booths at highland games. I'll be looking at
the bodhrans now. :-)