So I'm at the Folklife festival listening to a couple of pipers and talking
to the wee piper gal's father, telling him he must be proud (he is).
Interesting chap, but I can't pinpoint his accent. Born in London but spent
years in Oz before marrying a Seattle gal. After chatting a bit, he asks, "Is
that your hobby, photography?" "One of them," I reply. Then he casually
remarks, "I've got a camera just about like yours. And a zoom just about like
yours, too" (OM-2S with 35-105/3.5-4.5). "You do? Olympus?" I ask. "Yep" he
says. I tell him there's an Olympus mailing list online, and he says he knows.
I tell him I've been on it a couple years now, post now & then, and he says,
"Oh, you're REAL hard core!" :-)