Many of us ask similar questions that go something like this, "What kit can I
take with me that will offer the greatest versatility for what I like to do
and be light enough to be comfortable?" I'm not sure this is the answer for
long journeys, however for a few days in Colorado where I'll have a car so I
won't have to carry it everywhere, I'm taking the following: 2 OM 2S bodies, a
T32 flash, extension tubes, 2X teleconverter, Tamron 24-48mm zoom, Tamron
80-200mm f2.8 and a Tamron 90mm f2.5. There will also be a Gitzo Explorer
with Kirk ballhead. For the scenics and close-ups I like to do, this should
work. Were I to take a Zuiko kit, it would probably have the 65-200 zoom,
zoom and probably the 90mm f2. If I was committed to traveling really light
it might have the 18mm, 24mm f2.8, 35-70mm f3.5-4.5 & a 200mm f5 and only one
body and that would probably have to be an OM 1. Bill Barber