A recent post inspired me to make this posting to the list. The post was
about "the crucial sentence" of, "I have a passion for__________and my goal
is to ___________." Regardless of ones abilities and expertise in any area,
if they are not growing, they are dying. There are no accomplishments that I
have achieved in life that were not driven by having something as a goal and
also putting something at risk. My intention is to go to my grave with goals
not yet achieved, but actively being sought at the moment of my transition.
I'll share one of my goals with you. As a relatively new member of a local
photography club, I exhibit in the "B" group (less experienced) in our
monthly competition. To move to the "A" group, one must place (1st, 2nd or
3rd) 5 prints this calendar year in the monthly competitions. I have not yet
placed one and there are 7 months left with 2 prints allowed to be submitted
each month. I'll need to place 5 out of the next 14 entries in our monthly
contests. To complete the sentence I would say, " I have a passion for
improving my photographic abilities through practice and learning and my goal
is to advance to the "A" level in my local club competitions by the end of
2003." Several key points to this declaration are that it is specific, it is
measurable, it is achievable, it is specific in time and it was made public.
Once achieved or perhaps before this goal is achieved, other goals will
arise. I am committed to growth in my abilities and as such will continue
set goals for my self in this arena. If you find yourself somewhat stuck in
the work you are producing, you might embrace this crucial sentence and see
if it might get you moving. There are those who are stuck at a very high
level of achievement/ability. They are stuck, nonetheless. Perhaps the
question we need to ask ourselves is, "How have I grown recently and where do
I want to be this time next year?" These questions don't have to be just
about our photography. We might all get a little nervous as we ask ourselves
these questions about our relationships, our finances, our work/job, etc.
Completing that crucial sentence might be the next step after we have
honestly asked these tough crucial questions.
I'm out of here, got to get up early to go get some pictures of baby birds
with my OM 2S. Bill Barber