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Re: [OM] Oly C-2500L card problem

Subject: Re: [OM] Oly C-2500L card problem
From: Roger Skully <robinsnes@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 22 Apr 2003 13:54:40 -0400
On 4/22/03 10:39 AM, "Judith Barnett" <pooh4jvn@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> It worked! Thank you! I had never downloaded from two cards in one computer
> session before. I gave up yesterday before I got this message so when I read
> your message this a.m. I tried again after booting and it worked just fine.
> Thanks very much!
> Judith
> Roger Skully <robinsnes@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>> On 4/21/03 6:13 PM, "Moose" wrote:
>> I have a similar problem with my PC...the @#$% machine will not allow
>> another card into the card reader unless I reboot the machine. Reboot your
>> computer, no card in place, then insert the card and it will see the images.
>> I switched to Mac...no more problems.

It seems that reboot clears the memory of the computer so that it can read a
new card. I know it is a nusance, but  a minor  one. I enjoyed your website.

Roger Skully    
Robin?s Nest Photography

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