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[OM] Survey says...Was: Best way to clean OM-1N mirror

Subject: [OM] Survey says...Was: Best way to clean OM-1N mirror
From: Doggre@xxxxxxx
Date: Thu, 17 Apr 2003 15:24:03 EDT
Hi Zuiks,

I just performed a simple experiment on my bathroom mirror.  With 91% 
isopropyl alcohol and toilet tissue, I could see a slight residue after the 
alcohol had dried (I put it on sloppy wet and didn't wipe dry).  With 99% 
isopropyl alchohol, there was no residue visible upon drying.  The difference 
was very apparent.

One thing that was apparent with both versions of alcohol, though, was a lot 
of paper fibers or "dust" left behind by the TP.  TP is not a good choice for 

If you read the labels, you can usually find various percentages of purity of 
alcohol at your local drug store or major chain store.  My local Fred Meyer 
has at least two choices.  Most hardware stores & good paint stores should 
have denatured alcohol.  Right in there alongside the paint thinner, lacquer 
thinner, kerosene, etc.

Perhaps the MOST important factor, whatever one uses, is to emphasize 
"GENTLE!"  The mirror is a delicate, precision component.  Both the mirror 
surface and the alignment of the mirror itself is easily damaged/disrupted by 
"numb fumbling."

My OM-2S mirror has a funky corner or two.  I'm leaving it the heck alone.


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